Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas is over!

I survived another holiday! We went to my sister's house for Christmas on Christmas Eve. My family always celebrates on Christmas Eve! Why? I have no idea! We have always done it that way. We always had dinner and then opened all the gifts on Christmas Eve and then, when the kids were little, Santa would show up after they were asleep and leave gifts. When the kids wake up on Christmas Morning, they were surprised by the gifts and items in their stockings. It is sort of like having another Christmas for them (or my sister and me when we were little). We had all day to enjoy the gifts and have more food and goodies.
My dad was there and he is not doing so good with his health. He's 74 years old. He chants "No, no, damnit, please no" and continues about what he was doing. A minute or two later, he says the same thing over. And this goes on and on! He forgot that I am his daughter. He told me that no matter what happens to him to remember that my grandpa loves me. I asked him "Grandpa Paul?" He said "No, me!" I told him that I am his daughter and then he looked confused for a minute and he said "Oh that's right, I had Sheryl and Shelly". Then he apologized. It is so sad to see him this way.
He used to be a police man for well over 30 years. He taught my sister and I how to shoot guns. He taught other people how to shoot after he retired when he worked at Shooter's World...a shooting range. He is very fincanially smart and has never hurt for anything. His one major flaw is that he drinks...heavily! He has always drank but over the years it has become worse. He will not quit and he says that he is not a drunk. Drinking whiskey "helps" his back pain. It probably does along with all the prescription pain pills he takes and the beer he drinks. He can hardly walk from all the pain and alcohol he consumes. He is truly in denial about being an alcoholic. It's so sad!
On a positive note, the kids were all satisfied with their gifts. Christian was so happy with Guitar Hero and Left 4 Dead. I also got him other things but those were the major things. Amber loved her comfortor and her new digital camera (I will be using it, LOL)! It was nice!
I still need to figure out more on this blogging thing but I worked today and for the next 3 days, 12 hour shifts so it will be slow going for me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you are going through that with your dad. That would be tough. I went through it with my grandpa, but I don't remember him much when he wasn't like that.

    I bet your kids were happy with their gifts! We were excited about Guitar Hero, but the cords pulled out of the drums before we even got to use it. We have to figure out how to return it or exchange it since it was a gift from Donnie's brother and we don't have a gift receipt.
    Hey, we can play online together!
